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…and everything in between is an accurate description of the last four weeks. DREAMS still unfolding that I dreamt for so long (= getting a “sneak peek” of the illustrated pages of my next picture book; knowing the release of my first middle grade book is now less than a year away; and nearing completion on the first draft of my first YA nonfiction book). However, the other side of the spectrum is where a few of my current WANTS seem to be languishing (= This home buying journey is gut wrenching. I can’t dwell on that too much while typing this newsletter though — or may just fling my laptop across the room). Between those two extremes everything in between contains the usual mix of levity, frustration and occasional bewilderment of how strange, yet amazing, LIFE is. I love being ALIVE. I really do. There have been times in my life, years ago, when I certainly did not. But all of that makes this era of “Rachel” even more precious. Because every day is (and always was). Even those we let slip by quickly without pausing to REVEL, RELAX or REFLECT in the present.
So any reason to celebrate atm, I am ALL about! This recently took me to the Twin Cities to take part in the 50th anniversary celebration for The Loft. As many of you know, I have been teaching for the literary center for four years. In that time, I have met hundreds of writers, agents and editors. I also appreciate being able to share my professional knowledge, as well as periodically “my network,” via The Bookish Brand blog on the org’s website. For this month’s post, I interviewed two of the acquisitions editors that I have had the immense pleasure of working with recently on books — Christianne Jones (at Capstone) and Deidra Purvis (Free Spirit Publishing). They “spill the tea” about what sparks their interests when reviewing manuscript submissions here.
If you happen to have a children’s book, poetry collection or a novel-in-progress that you would like to have published, consider participating in the summer cohort of Pocket MFA. There’s still a few days left to apply, plus you will have access to pro screenwriters and noteworthy authors that will provide direct, personal feedback throughout the 12-week program. I never take for granted the crucial connections I have consistently fostered with other creators and entrepreneurs since I first started freelance writing in 2014. You never know when goals might align — providing an opportunity to partner on new initiatives. If I didn’t have this mentality, the community arts project I founded (The Little Book Project WI) wouldn’t exist. But it does; and continues to reach a larger audience as well as highlight a growing number of WI-based artists. In fact, Edition #8: Identity was produced in conjunction with the local youth arts org Little Picassos, and released on June 1!
Another collaboration I have really been enjoying lately is with HSN guest host and plant-based chef Michelle Carolla. Last month, this media marvel launched her own lifestyle brand Clean Living With Michelle. The first product release is this sleek “plant milker” that is quite easy to use and clean. Full disclosure: I have tried making ‘nut or oat’ milk at home before, but Michelle’s machine is the key component to the most ‘low stress,’ fastest process I’ve come across thus far. And spoiler alert: She and I are planning to start comparing our vegan foodies adventures around town on IG later this summer. Stay tuned to see what we stumble — then snack — on.
Do you enjoy stellar eats or good night’s sleep more? For me, it’s the latter. So much so, I took multiple “sleep getaways” this spring for my latest travel article for Isthmus. If you do end up catching this particular travel bug, read this article too for more destination ideas. Speaking of reading, it’s 2 a.m. (again) = The perfect time for me to finish another chapter in “RICH AF: THE WINNING MONEY MINDSET THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE” by personal finance whiz and TikTok star Vivian Tu. Her advice, style and humor are 100% on point! I totally agree with Vivian that money is awesome. But SUMMER is even better, so I’ll be squeezing in as much time outdoors as I can now that it’s officially begun…Care to join me? ~Rachel